Date & Time
Wednesday, June 28, 2023, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Payments Orchestration

Instant Payments to Improve Customer Experience
Real-time payments are a reality, and with FedNow approaching the space, they are going to evolve much more quickly. This is a panel discussion on real-time payments and their impact on customer service.
Moderator: Thad Peterson
Paul Amisano, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
David Chmielewski, Quavo
Julie Kleffel, Seacoast Bank

The Road to Payments Modernization
Aite-Novarica Group research indicates that payments modernization is a top priority for financial institutions. The increasing competition for consumer relationships (e.g., from neobanks and other fintech providers) forces banks to innovate and look for new markets and segments to increase scale and sustain growth and profitability. For all banks, this means making continued investment in infrastructure and selecting the right priorities and partners to execute long- and short-term strategies. Banks not investing in more robust payments capabilities, such as real-time payments, cross-border payments, payments automation, and the infrastructure to support these initiatives, will quickly find themselves at a grave disadvantage in customer retention and new customer acquisition.

This session will discuss what the priorities are for financial institutions to modernize their payment platforms, the challenges they face to achieve that, and how new technologies and vendor partnerships can help to overcome these challenges.  
Moderator: Ron van Wezel 
Melissa Ashley, Corporate One Federal Credit Union
Scotty Perkins, ACI Worldwide