9:00 - 9:40

Welcome and Opening Remarks

9:40 - 10:20

As new technologies challenge the traditional role of the branch, learn how leading banks drive behavioral change in the retail channel. In this fireside chat, hear how Centier Bank created a shared vision for the branch and built consensus among key stakeholders, resulting in faster decision making and change adoption. Gain insights and learn how to become a retail changemaker.

As the speed of technology advancements increases exponentially, enterprises must balance the need to create an environment that promotes experimentation and next-generation capabilities with expectations that they deliver measurable business value.

Panel Discussion
9:40 - 10:20

The increasingly omnichannel customer engagement model requires retail banks to reconsider how they win and serve their customers, the role digital plays in and outside of the branch, and how to create greater value.


Movement Break

10:50 - 11:30

Keynote Presentation

11:30 - 12:10

As new technologies challenge the traditional role of the branch, learn how leading banks drive behavioral change in the retail channel. In this fireside chat, hear how Centier Bank created a shared vision for the branch and built consensus among key stakeholders, resulting in faster decision making and change adoption. Gain insights and learn how to become a retail changemaker.

As the speed of technology advancements increases exponentially, enterprises must balance the need to create an environment that promotes experimentation and next-generation capabilities with expectations that they deliver measurable business value.

Panel Discussion

The increasingly omnichannel customer engagement model requires retail banks to reconsider how they win and serve their customers, the role digital plays in and outside of the branch, and how to create greater value.

Fireside Chat